Isn't it hard to break bad habits?
A thought that is entertained becomes words on your lips
The words turn into attitudes and regrettable actions
Lifestyle patterns?
Have you ever noticed how easily a thought turns into an action?
Have you ever been irritated with someone and thought to yourself, 'oh, what a jerk!' Your emotions surge, the thoughts continue to spin around in your mind. You think about how this person has wronged you, you begin to feel justified. Next thing you know, you are talking to someone (friend, husband, co-worker) and telling them why that person is so rude and out of line.
Sin begins with a simple thought
A thought that is entertained becomes words on your lips
The words turn into attitudes and regrettable actions
In 2 Corinthians 10:5, Paul commands us to ' . . . take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ . . ."
That doesn't sound easy, does it?
I think the key lies in Philippians 4:8 where we are instructed to think on these:
Whatever is true
Whatever is noble
Whatever is right
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy
Whatever is noble
Whatever is right
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy
Think about such things
So what is your negative thought that needs replacing? Does it go something like this, "Evan is so ______ " or "Why can't he just __________?" "Why does she always _________?"
Why not find something to replace that train of thought with? "Evan is so kind. He has a gift for noticing details." "I love the way he always makes sure there is gas in the car for me." "Her soft heart really breaks for the hurting."
Just try it. It's really been revolutionary for me! Let me know how it's workin' for ya.