Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stop Me in My Tracks!

Isn't it hard to break bad habits?

Lifestyle patterns?


Have you ever noticed how easily a thought turns into an action?

Have you ever been irritated with someone and thought to yourself, 'oh, what a jerk!' Your emotions surge, the thoughts continue to spin around in your mind. You think about how this person has wronged you, you begin to feel justified. Next thing you know, you are talking to someone (friend, husband, co-worker) and telling them why that person is so rude and out of line.
Sin begins with a simple thought

A thought that is entertained becomes words on your lips

The words turn into attitudes and regrettable actions
In 2 Corinthians 10:5, Paul commands us to ' . . . take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ . . ."

That doesn't sound easy, does it?

I think the key lies in Philippians 4:8 where we are instructed to think on these:

Whatever is true
Whatever is noble
Whatever is right
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy
Think about such things

So what is your negative thought that needs replacing? Does it go something like this, "Evan is so ______ " or "Why can't he just __________?" "Why does she always _________?"

Why not find something to replace that train of thought with? "Evan is so kind. He has a gift for noticing details." "I love the way he always makes sure there is gas in the car for me." "Her soft heart really breaks for the hurting."

Just try it. It's really been revolutionary for me! Let me know how it's workin' for ya.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Gift of Listening

"The greatest gift that we can give one another is rapt attention to one another's existence." Sue Atchley Ebaugh

I love to talk! I love to feel heard and understood. I love to feel like the recipient of my words is thinking; "Wow, that's interesting! Tell me more. You are sooo smart. What a great point . . . I never thought of that."

I'm realizing lately that I talk too much. I haven't been giving friends, family and co-workers my 'rapt attention.' I want to start listening more. I want to ask more questions and then wait for the response without interjecting.

So, friend, what's on your mind? What are you struggling with today? I'd like to hear all about it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A review of The Noticer, by Andy Andrews for Thomas Nelson Publishers

The Noticer by Andy Andrews is an uplifting, inspiring, quick read that has the ability to change, well . . . your perspective. Ten chapters lead the reader through a series of vignettes that cover all sorts of seemingly 'hopeless' situations.' The main character, Jones, a blue-eyed, white-haired elderly man, encourages those he comes across in the midst of crisis or desperate circumstances to take on a different perspective . . . one illuminated by hope.

The narrator of the story begins the first chapter by sharing his own first experience with Jones and then follows him on his path to helping others. The nebulous Jones never ages and appears to take on the appearance of whatever race or nationality of whomever he is helping at the moment. He has a way of showing up when hopelessness and despair creep up in one's life. No one knows how he gets there or where he goes once he leaves. He leaves a trail of hope and new perspective behind. The author mysteriously alludes to the possibility of Jones being . . . whomever you think he might be.

This was a highly enjoyable book, a great pick-me-up in the form of a quick read. I definitely recommend it and I think you will enjoy it as well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Found Treasures at Duck Lake

Ever heard of Duck Lake? I haven't done any fact-checking yet, but my husband told me that it's reported to be one of the cleanest and clearest lakes not only in our state but in the USA. If seeing is believing, then I'm a believer. Here are some of the boys' snail shell finds . . . I thought they were really pretty and wanted to take lots of pictures . . . and then my camera battery died . . . and then I realized I forgot the camera charger . . . enjoy!

Traverse City Cherry Festival 5K

This was a great race and I hope to do it again! The date of the race falls at the end of the Cherry Festival which has lots of family and kid events, a fabulous carnival with lots of different rides and all on the shores of gorgeous Lake Michigan.
The race started at Northwestern Michigan College Campus and ended in downtown Traverse City. My time for this race was 26:49 - a great improvement over my first 5K earlier this year at 30:15. I can't wait for my next race! I've been thinking about training for a half marathon . . . sounds like a challenging adventure!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Fun!

We are having so much fun this summer . . . we've been spending a lot of time with friends outside! We've been going to sprinkler parks,the beach, friends' back yards, friends' houses, family reunions at the lake, water balloon fights, fireworks, etc. We're looking forward to our second camping trip of the summer this weekend and Aunt Jill from Pheonix is coming in to visit soon. Summer is truly our family's favorite time of year.