Saturday, September 12, 2009

As of Late

My grandfather is going to pass away any minute, my hubs is severely exhausted and I'm . . .

Grandpa, who resides in Pheonix, AZ with Grandma (several other family members have migrated in that direction as well) was visiting my aunt Johnna and her little family in Atlanta, GA last week. Grandpa is a cancer suriving, Hungarian-American, beloved guy. He and Grandma have 5 children and 10 grandchildren. Grandma doesn't travel anymore and has become more and more of a recluse as time passes by.

They were out to dinner (I'm sure at some incredible Atlanta restaurant that Johnna and Rob and their friends frequent.) Grandpa was eating and started to choke on his food. Rob attempted to perform the heimlich to no avail. Gramps passsed out because he was oxygen deprived. The EMT's arrived and performed CPR and rushed him to the hospital. Surgery was performed to remove his spleen and repair his stomach tears (probably from the compressions??) We waited by the phone each day to hear news since Tuesday. At first, things were looking up; he opened his eyes, squeezed a hand, heart rate sped up when Uncle Chip talked to him about food. Then today we heard that he has no brain function except from the brain stem.

I loved going to Grandma and Grandpa's house when they still lived in MI when I was a kid. Grandpa had a shiny black baby grand in the upstairs family room and he would play old tunes and let me sing along as if I really knew how to read the music.

Their basement held so many treasures; dusty old novels, a billiards tables, old halloween costumes, vintage clothing, antiques, etc. I would sit and type stories for hours on their old typewriter. After exploring, I would head upstairs, hand Aunt Jill one of my short stories, swim in the pool and then come in for one of Grandpa's famous meals replete with appetizers, salads, breads and desserts. We feasted on each other's company and his bountiful table. After dinner, I would head up to Grandma's bedroom where she would pull out her jewelry box and let me sort through and try on her beautiful jewelry (real and costume.) I would try on Aunt Rita's vintage clothing and play with Grandma's face creams and makeup. Then I would head downstairs to watch television and look at magazines with Grandma on the chaise lounge while Grandpa snored prostrate on the floor in front of the tv and wait for someone to comment on my makeup, hair and outfit.

I'm a little heavy-hearted lately; that's why I haven't posted a review of 'Fearless' yet. Truth be told, I'm 2 or 3 chapters away from finishing the book. I'm thankful to be able that I serve a God who is gracious and patient with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
