Sunday, February 8, 2009

More from the parenting study, 'Raising Responsive Children'

Biggest takeaways from todays' lesson to follow.

"From infancy, input from the outside continually shapes how our children perceive themselves. They aren't wrapped up in who they think they are, but in who they think others think they are, and parents are their most influential 'other.'


"Charles Boyd 'tells us 'You are a mirror your child looks into every day, and you reflect back to her what she will come to believe about herself.'


"Every time we interact with our children we send a message that conveys what they perceive we think of them - that they're smart or stupid, untrustworthy or reliable, capable or inept, fun or dull, lovely or unlovely. Good or bad, our messages will remain in their database, and there's no 'delete' button we or they can hit to remove the unwanted, unhelpful, or even unintentional input. Because God knows our kids, He can help us with the healthy messages crucial to shaping a healthy concept of themselves."

(all bolds and italics mine for emphasis)

I'm so grateful to serve a God who can use even me. I'm ever more grateful that he can take my mistakes and use them for His glory. I'm happy to know that all things work together for the good of them that love Him.

Lord, help me to see my children through Your eyes. Help me to see the individual uniqueness that you have given them to allow them to become who you have created them to be. Help Jeff and I to send our children good messages that let them know that they are loved, valuable, special, beloved and a part of Your perfect plan.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Wow, that's really true. Thanks for the wise advice.