Thursday, February 5, 2009

World's Smallest Tornado

My sweet little Cameron is one strong-willed little tornado. Today, I found myself wondering if we might be able to apply to the Guinness Book of World Records for the number of time-outs in one day. This boy is such a cheerful, sweet, lovable, likable little guy. He seriously is a tornado, tho. Currently Daddy is out at Menard's purchasing two new mini-blinds to replace the ones he has destroyed within days of each other. Yes, Cameron thought it was interesting to see how the blinds broke in half with one quick karate chop or kick. And the vertical blinds, well there are two sections missing in those. Yesterday he scribbled on the wall with pencil. He knows these are unacceptable behaviors.

Do you think this boy is a little bit jealous of the attention baby sister is taking away or what?

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