Thursday, February 12, 2009

The night before . . .

Here I am, the night before MNO (the single Mom's Night Out event at VN) cutting construction paper hearts. I'm tired, my hands are tired but I'm so happy to do it. There's even a smile on my face while I'm thinking about how the kids might enjoy making a valentine for their moms tomorrow and how much their moms might enjoy receiving them!

I think tomorrow night is going to be amazing . . . everything is starting to fall into place (after a couple of shake-ups, but that's normal, right?) We've got great volunteer staff on board, good topics, good food, great moms attending . . . I know God has great things in store for us!

However, I did forget two very important things today. I was supposed to help at Carter's school at lunch time and I was supposed to go to my friend Tammy's daughter Alicia's volleyball game. So, maybe it is time for me to buy a planner?

Baby Vivian (14 weeks old) slept 10 hours last night and I'm praying that she'll do it again! I need to wake up at 7 to get Carter ready for school, feed all 3 kids, pack lunch, get us out the door to the Y for spin class, home to get things ready for work tonight, take care of my kiddos plus any last minute details that might pop up for MNO (Mom's Night Out,) try to take a nap (I am working third shift tomorrow night, after all,) go to MNO, execute the plan, go to work. After I punch out around 7:30, I have to go to the credit union in the am to attend to some business and then . . . sleeeeep . . . .

1 comment:

Joy said...

Well hello, Amanda. Nice to see you here. :)